Wednesday, July 1, 2009


I don't know how you can make me so mad.

I don't understand how people can let you down so bad.

Seriously. When you laugh in my face about my convictions, and when you do whatever your heart desires without consequence, it kills me.

It kills me.

I'm past the part where I'm amused about it all, where I want you to fail, but now I can't stand seeing you in this decay.

Both of the problem. It has two parts.

|Problem A:

You told me you wanted to be held accountable and you wanted to be genuine.

I don't know how this is appropriate. 

I've seen this happen with the last one. Come on, you are being 'that guy'.

You also said you didn't want to be a 'douche bag' anymore. I'm sorry if this seems harsh but you're not heading in the right direction. You using, not giving. You need to get a different mindset. You need to grow! You need to be alone! bored!

Yes! It's very important to be bored! You don't know what it's like to be bored! Being isolated is so important! You can grow! 
I know you've had problems in the past with being by yourself, and really getting into depression, but it's imperative you fix this on your own.

I still love you and I hope you can understand that.

|Problem B:

You're not over him.
You're distracting yourself to not deal with it. 
You were on the right track! Until you fell into it.

I know it might be attractive, funny, and you can connect on so many levels, but it also did this exactly for the last one.

Almost like an agenda; get to 'know', share music, share time, get to know family, physical, drop-off.

It's sickening. 
You're being used, but don't tell me I told you.

I love you too. Get through this. Stand up for yourself.

Be honest and realized where you should be.

Be genuine, forget trendy.

1 comment:

  1. even months later, these are read. and hurtful.
